
Before you decide to buy commercial real estate for your business...

Written by Doug Price | Mar 17, 2023 6:11:23 PM

“I’m not interested in real estate.”

                                               - No person ever


Every single client we have represented throughout the years has started the conversation by saying that they would love to own their own building some day. So we’re never surprised that this is where their mind goes when dreaming big about their future.

 Whether the perception is accurate or not, owning your own real estate communicates:

  • Success
  • Wealth
  • Control
  • Power
  • Business Sense
  • Passive income
  • Asset appreciation 

So it’s no wonder why aspiring or growing business owners would want these things… It’s why they started their business in the first place.

Additionally, I’ve found that most clients and business owners have something deeper that fuels their desire to own their own building: they deeply desire something beautiful and uniquely theirs, a place for their customers, clients and patients to come and experience the care, passion and intentionality provided by the business, a personal expression that will leave the world a better place than it was before their expression existed.

 Seeing and experiencing a client’s dreams go from rough draft to reality is the single greatest thing we get to experience at Pricepoint. When something special comes out of nothing at all, or an old building is converted to something beautiful and useful, it’s incredibly special to watch.

 But the road to this reality is not paved, nor is it straight. It’s marked with loose gravel, large boulders, intense climbs, low-shoulder drop-offs, and it’s flanked by innumerable dead ends and seemingly easier (but not actual) alternative routes.

“The road to reality is not paved.”

With all of the twists, turns and pitfalls that invariably will sneak upon you on your journey to owning your own building, it’s important to start with a few difficult (but crucial) questions at the outset:

  • Why do you want to own your own building?
  • How much money will you have to put down?
  • What is the long-term plan for the building?
  • Should you lease now and purchase later?

Once you answer these questions honestly and unemotionally, you'll be better prepared for the realities that lie ahead on your commercial real estate journey.